Tuesday 6 August 2013

Two Amazing blokes - 60 years on!

It is the 60th anniversary this year of Sir Edmund Hilary and Tenzing Norquay being the first to climb Mt Everest. For me, Edmund Hilary represents a real Kiwi Hero. Yes, he achieved an amazing feat, but it is
what he did later to help the people of Nepal and how he lived his life, that makes him someone to look up to.

(Photo from NY Times)
It is not the mountain we conquer but ourselves.

Welcome to the Shed!

Hello and Welcome to The Shed blog. This is a blog about bloke stuff! Books, Cars,Bikes, Sports, Gaming, Food...
Although I started this blog for students in my classes, I would like to invite some cool blokes to be guest bloggers and give us all their viewpoint on a variety of topics. I have made the first post about a real Kiwi bloke and a real Kiwi Hero.

Looking forward to reading your views

Ms H